Versão em português

Logo Amylum


Why do we

Because we want to transform the future, contributing to healthier and more accessible food.
We believe that technology is the main tool for such transformation, which will only be possible with substantial knowledge, research, commitment and innovation.
And we understand that very well.

The big differential: our innovative and exclusive technology

• Clean label process
• Use of different botanical sources (potatoes, cassava, corn, etc.)
• Production of thermostable type 3 resistant starch
• Obtention of a high fiber content
• Creation of innovative and pioneering foods in the market

Technology applied
to your product.

Natural, functional and able to remain stable throughout the processing and storage of the foods in which it is inserted: this is resistant starch, our main product.

Resistant starch, combined with Amylum technology, is ideal for:

• Diabetics, healthy and low calorie products sector

• Formulation of breakfast cereals, biscuits, bread, cheese bread, tapioca and pasta

• The increase of fiber intake and production of foods with reduced caloric value and low glycemic response

Who makes Amylum

Amylum founder has a solid background and experience in Research,
Development & Innovation projects in food and is an expert in the cereal and starch sector.
Foto de Flávia Villas Boas Esteves
Flávia Villas Boas Esteves

Why do we

Because we want to transform the future,
contributing to healthier and more
accessible food
We believe that technology is the main
tool for such transformation, which will
only be possible with substantial knowledge,
research, commitment and innovation.
And we understand that very well.

The big differential:
our innovative and
exclusive technology

• Clean label process
• Use of different botanical sources (potatoes, cassava, corn, etc.)
• Production of thermostable type 3 resistant starch
• Obtention of a high fiber content
• Creation of innovative and pioneering foods in the market

Technology applied
to your product.

Natural, functional and able to remain stable
throughout the processing and storage
of the foods in which it is inserted:
this is resistant starch, our main product.

Resistant starch, combined with
Amylum technology, is ideal for:

• Diabetics, healthy and low calorie products sector

• Formulation of breakfast cereals, biscuits,
   bread, cheese bread, tapioca and pasta

• The increase of fiber intake and production of foods
   with reduced caloric value and low glycemic response

Who makes Amylum

Amylum founder has a solid background and experience in Research,
Development & Innovation projects in food and is an expert in the cereal and starch sector.
Foto de Flávia Villas Boas Esteves
Flávia Villas Boas Esteves



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